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Python Training in Hyderabad

Python Training in Hyderabad

About Python

Python is a high-level programming language, which has a lot of demand in the industry and is favoured by several top brands in the industry including Instagram, YouTube and Spotify. Apart from experienced programmers, even beginners can easily learn and use it quickly. Some of the unique features of this language include diversity, adaptability, elegancy and easy to master basics, making it extremely popular and preferable in various domains of computer science including web development, machine learning, data science, scientific computation and cloud infrastructure. Just like any other object-oriented programming language, Python incorporates modules, exceptions, dynamic typing, dynamic data types and classes. It is also usable as an extension language for applications, which require a programmable interface. Another unique feature of Python is its portability - it runs on many Unix variants such as Mac and on Windows 2000 and later.

About this course

Python has a very simple and a consistent syntax with a large standard library. Apart from that, using Python in an entry level programming course helps students to concentrate on core programming skills such as problem decomposition and data type design. Thus, Python is most suited for students, who can quickly learn the basic concepts such as loops and procedures and even start working on user-defined objects at the very first introductory course.

Moreover, Krishna Technologies is one of the best python training in Hyderabad to offer Python course in both online and classroom modes, suited to all categories of participants including college students, busy professionals and even corporate managers, who are looking to switch their careers. With a focused learning approach and advanced training methodology, we make this course all more interesting and interactive to help students quickly grasp the basics within a short period of time. The curriculum is designed specifically by Krishna Technologies experts, drawn from academics and industry to ensure that the students get the best out of their learning experience.

Who are the typical participants?

VR IT being one of the best python online training in Hyderabad, welcomes participants from all age groups and from all walks of life including college students, busy professionals and other top-level managers, who have a passion to redefine their careers.

The following are the typical set of participants:

  • Analytical professionals
  • Software engineers, who are interested to switch their careers
  • Big Data & Hadoop professionals
  • Marketing & sales professionals
  • System & network engineers
  • Fresh graduates with good aptitude in programming
  • Mid-level managers
  • Business analysts
  • Project managers of IT firms

What are the pre-requisites of this course?

There are no specific pre-requisites prescribed for learning this course, though it is preferable to have knowledge in any programming language to appreciate the course better and get a good head start.

Industry relevant curriculum

You learn the latest from us! Our curriculum and python interview questions is constantly updated once in 6 months to keep pace with the emerging technologies in this area, so you are always ahead of others.

How do I acquire practical training?

Krishna Technologies is one of the python online training we providing adequate practical training to complement your theory knowledge, which is worth your investment and comparatively better than other similar institutes in Hyderabad. We help you in successfully accomplishing practical training using state-of-the-art Hadoop virtual software installed in your system (Desktop or Laptop). A good internet connection is required to get any help from the software support team. You have the option to execute practical sessions either from your system or leveraging our remote training sessions to get an enriched learning experience.

Python Programming Basics
  • Demo: Evolution and Top Computer Languages, Why step into Python, Python Features
  • Why Python is Year-on-Year Demand, Python Frameworks, Career Perspective in Python,
  • Job Opportunities in Python, Where Python is Used, Compare with Other Popular Languages
  • Python.org, Python Installation & Introduction, What are Operators, Expressions, Data Types,
  • What are Variables and Rules, Statements, Python Shell, Program Execution, Python Editors?
  • Different types of Comments and Functions, Programming Rules
  • Boolean Values, Data type Conversions, Flow Controls: If-else, If-elif-else, Assignment,
  • Augmented Operators, Multiple Assignment,
  • Progs: Biggest among 3 values, Given number is Even or Odd
  • While Loop, For Loop, Range() function, Break, Continue, Pass, exit(), Infinite Loops
  • Progs: Print Sum of the Given Range of values, Print Given Range of Tables,
  • Functions, Parameter types, Loops with Functions, Return statement, Optional and Named Parameters
  • Value and Reference Types, Local and Global Scope,
  • Progs: Find Given number is Prime or not
  • LIST, Tuple, Type, Index, Slicing, Sub lists, Concatenation, Replication, in and not in, append,
  • index(), insert(), remove(), sort(), like, Mutable, Immutable, Converting types
  • Dictionary Type: keys(), values(), items(), get(), setdefault(),pprint(), pformat()
Strings :: 2 Hours
  • in String Literals, Escape Sequences, Raw strings, Triple Quotes, String Concatenation and Replica, Multiline Strings, Indexing and Slicing, in and not in Operators, String Methods, Regular Expressions, Pattern Matching, matching Multiple groups
  • Methods : lower(), upper(), title(), isalpha(), isdecimal(), isspace(), join(), split(), rjust(), ljust(), strip(), lstrip(),startswith(), endswith(), isdigit(), maketrans(), replace(), max(), min(), replace(), index(), rindex(), find(), rfind(), swapcase(), zfill() Modules: re, re.compile(), re.search(), format(),
  • Programs: User need to input until correct age and pwd, Program to find given string is Palindrome, To
  • Remove special Characters, Sort Words alphabetical order,
  • Print list of Unicode chars, Common Characters in strings,
  • Substring in a string, to check Phone Number string
Files: 3 Hours

Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

  • Reading and Writing Files, Absolute and Relative path, file methods, Open files, Reading file, Writing or Appending data, Current Working directory, File path, checking path directory, store list of variables onto a file, Savings variables using Shelve module, Shutil module, Moving and Renaming Files and Folders, Permanently Deleting Folders and files, Command Line Arguments
  • Methods: open(), read(), Write(), close(), readLine(), seek(), tell(), makedirs(), getcwd(), getsize(), listdir(), isfile(), isdir(), pprint.pformat(), unlink(), rmdir(), rmtree(), os.walk(), shutil.copy(), copytree(), move(), read(n), readlines(), truncate(), argv
  • Programs: Reading data from a file character wise, Line by Line,
  • Accept String and write onto a file until user presses Enter key
  • Find Given String in a File, Program to Merge Name and body,
  • Display list of Folders, Filenames and File size, Restore data from drive
Debugging: 2 Hours
  • Types of Errors, Syntax and Logical Errors, Runtime Error, Exception Handling, Try-Except, Types of Exception, Multiple Exception block, Raise Exception, Handle Multiple Exceptions, IDLE's Debugger,
  • Go, Step, Over, Out, Quit, Debugger Mode, Global and Local Variables, Debugging Mutable and Immutable Objects, Treace outs, Breakpoints,
  • Programs: How to handle Runtime Error, How to Handle Multiple Exceptions, Raising Exceptions
  • Program using Mutable and Immutable Objects
Functions: 4 Hours
  • Passing Parameter to a function, Default Parameters, Keyword Arguments, Recursive Functions, Inner Functions, Nested Functions, Typeless Functions, Returning Multiple Parameters, Mixed List and Dictionary Parameter Passing, Recursive Functions, ASCII and Unicode, Enumerate, Generator Function
  • Lambda Function, Collecting lambda functions in LIST,
  • Methods: ord(), chr(), Enumerate(), yield(), zip(), dir(), help(),
  • Programs: Difference between Normal and Lambda Function, Return List of elements which are divisible
  • by 2 using Lambda, collecting List of values in Lambda functions.
Collections: 5 Hours
  • List, Set, Tuple and Dictionary Data types, Mutable and Immutable Data Types, Working with References, List Concatenation and Replica, Nested List : List of Lists, Stack and Queue DS, List Slicing, Two and Three Dimensional Matrix, List Comprehension, Multiple Assignment, dictionary methods, pretty Printing, set, union, intersection, difference, Swapping values using or, xor
  • Methods: append(), extend(), insert(), remove(), clear(), index(), count(), sort(), copy(), reverse(), len(), list(), enumerate(), max(), min(), sum(), append and pop(), items(), values(), keys(), setdefault(),
  • Programs: Search a key in a List, Difference between Extend and Append in a List,
  • Intersect strings and List, Sort and Reverse using Lists and Tuples,
  • Using Nested Lists, Stack and Queue, Slice Insert and Delete,
  • Addition of two Matrices, Multiplication of Matrix, Transpose of a Matrix,
  • Fibonacci Series, Find number of Primes in a List, Building List Comprehension,
Regular Expressions
  • Jupyter (iPython) Notebooks, Regular Expression Basics, Regex Groups and the Pipe Character, Repetition in Regex Patterns and Greedy / Non greedy Matching, Regex Character Classes and the findall() Method, Regex Dot-Star and the Caret / Dollar Characters, Regex sub() Method and Verbose Mode, Regex
  • Program: A Phone and Email Scraper
Python Decorators and Generators
  • Generator Syntax, Iteration and Generators, Creating Generators, Decorators Purpose, Simple Function Decorators, Classes as Decorators, Decorator Arguments



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